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Whistleblower System Business Practices Office

The Whistleblower System BPO receives reports of rule violations. It is an important element of good corporate governance.

Only when rules and standards are complied with we can avoid causing damage to our company, our staff and our business partners. Compliance with the law and internal regulations is a top priority for Mercedes-Benz Group AG. Misconduct must therefore be identified early. In order to investigate severe breaches in a fair and appropriate manner, we set up a whistleblower system in 2006. The Whistleblower System BPO (Business Practices Office) enables employees and external whistleblowers to report violations anywhere in the world. Different country-specific local legal requirements must be considered when using the Whistleblower System BPO. Where permitted by the local laws, anonymous reports are also possible.

Violations posing a high risk include, for example, offenses relating to corruption, breaches of antitrust law and violations of Anti-Money Laundering regulations, as well as violations of binding technical provisions or violations in connection with environmental regulations. After receipt of the report, the Business Practices Office conducts an initial risk-based assessment of the potential violation. For tip-offs with high risk for the company, an initial legal review of the incident is carried out. If the review finds that the suspicions are substantiated, the case is assigned to the appropriate investigative unit (e.g. Corporate Security, Corporate Data Protection, Corporate Audit, or Legal Division) with specific orders to conduct an investigation.

The affected employee is given an opportunity – as soon as possible – to respond to the allegations. Until the violation is proven, the employee will be considered innocent. Incriminating and exonerating evidence is considered equally during the investigation. The BPO accompanies the processing of tip-offs until the case has been closed. While doing so, the BPO ensures complete confidentiality. Moreover, our whistleblower system places great importance on fairness – in dealing with both whistleblowers and employees affected by an allegation. The BPO always applies the principle of proportionality. We examine each case individually to determine what consequences are suitable, necessary and appropriate.

Treatment of Violations Policy

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Investigation Policy

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If you have concrete indications of major risk violations in connection with Mercedes-Benz Group, you can contact the Whistleblower System BPO via the following contact details.

Business Practices Office, Mercedes-Benz Group AG

IL/CBP – Business Practices Office (BPO)

HPC E703, Mercedesstrasse 120, 

70546 Stuttgart, Germany


No Chance for Corruption

No Chance for Corruption

At Mercedes-Benz, we have a clear understanding of what kind of business we will or will not do. We do not give or take bribes.

Responsible Use of Data.

Responsible Use of Data.

Connectivity and digitalization have a crucial role in future mobility. Large quantities of data are the basis for many new business models, including automated and autonomous driving, driving assistance systems, vehicle safety and new services.

Acting Responsibly

Acting Responsibly

Compliance, Integrity and Legal Affairs in Day-to-day Work

Compliance Management System (CMS)

Compliance Management System (CMS)

Valued-based compliance is an indispensable part of our daily business activities, and it means we act in accordance with laws and regulations.