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No Chance for Corruption

At Mercedes-Benz, we have a clear understanding of what kind of business we will or will not do. We do not give or take bribes.


Our Compliance Program for Anti-Corruption


Our Anti-Corruption Compliance Program is based on our comprehensive Compliance Management System. A key component of this is the assessment of potential risks. In addition to internal information, such as a unit's business model, external factors are also considered here, e.g. the Corruption Perceptions Index from Transparency International. The results of this risk analysis form the basis for implementing our anti-corruption measures, which aim to prevent corruption in all business activities. Thereby, we place particular emphasis on sales companies in high-risk countries and business relationships with wholesalers and general distributors worldwide.

The local management is responsible for implementing the compliance measures in close cooperation with the Integrity and Legal Affairs division. In companies exposed to a high corruption risk, an independent “Local Compliance Officer” supports the management in implementing the Anti-Corruption Compliance Program. We regularly review the effectiveness of our measures and continuously improve our Anti-Corruption Compliance Program.

Responsible Use of Data.

Responsible Use of Data.

Connectivity and digitalization have a crucial role in future mobility. Large quantities of data are the basis for many new business models, including automated and autonomous driving, driving assistance systems, vehicle safety and new services.

Acting Responsibly

Acting Responsibly

Compliance, Integrity and Legal Affairs in Day-to-day Work

Compliance Management System (CMS)

Compliance Management System (CMS)

Valued-based compliance is an indispensable part of our daily business activities, and it means we act in accordance with laws and regulations.

Whistleblower System Business Practice Office

Whistleblower System Business Practice Office

The Whistleblower System BPO receives reports of rule violations. It is an important element of good corporate governance.